Attitude Reflects Leadership

One of the things that separates good leaders from average or poor ones is their ATTITUDE. You have the opportunity every business day to set the attitudes – and, therefore, productivity, enthusiasm, collaboration, etc. – of your entire team.

Watch Digging Deeper this week as Dennis shares a family story about attitude that you can translate into your daily behavior. In addition, Dennis has a great idea for doing a periodic check-in with yourself to make sure you’re behaving in ways that will inspire your people. We’d love to hear how you believe attitude has affected your team in good ways or bad. Please share with us in the comments below.

Don’t forget about The Contractor Business Boot Camp. We are down to the last 10 seats for our upcoming class starting on Feb 9-10, 2023 in Raleigh. If you haven’t yet enrolled your rising NextGen leaders, do it now! Contact Charlotte at for more information.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Always important to remember how conscious and subconscious actions, attitudes, and behaviors influence those around us both at work and at home. Thank you for the reminder.

    I do wonder about the relevance of mentioning the races of the people in the movie example you shared. While race is relevant in the movie, it was completely irrelevant in enhancing the message you were trying to convey. I am just curious as to why you felt it important to include that information.

    • Great question! In the movie I referred to, there was a deep divide between the black team members and the white team members and the two captains, to an extent, were representing their “tribe.” The initial complaint from Bertans was because the black linemen were purposefully not blocking for the white quarterback in practice. Once the two captains hashed out the roots of disagreement and represented a colorblind attitude that the team was able to come to together as one.

  2. Your attitude is so important to keep your team acting as one.

    • Well put!

  3. good one ! Agree 100%

  4. Great reminders. Thanks. It’s very interesting to hear your reflections on what you’re observing and learning fr your grandkids! Congratulations and thanks.

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