The Eight Downsides of Remote Work and “Earning the Commute”

While working from home (working from anywhere?) is definitely part of the new normal, we all agree that there are tradeoffs associated with this practice. While many companies went so far as to mandate specific return to work policies, they’re finding that it isn’t quite so simple to get people to return to old ways of doing things.

This week, Wayne discusses the (at least) eight downsides to remote work while introducing a dramatic new way to think about how to attract your people back to a more traditional work environment. Employers are having to rethink how they EARN their employees back into the workplace. What’s working for you? How are you getting your people back into the office, or is this even a priority for you? Please share with us in the comments.

On Feb 9-10, 2023, a new class of The Contractor Business Boot Camp commences in Raleigh. We’re already booking seats; don’t miss out! Enroll your high potential NextGen leaders today! Contact Charlotte at for more information.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. This video considers a 100% remote work environment. I believe most people want a flexible work environment, where they can work remotely when it makes sense for their needs. A person with a 30-60 minute commute and an afternoon doctor’s appointment will greatly appreciate the flexibility to work at home that day and go to/from the doctor’s appointment. They are normally in the office the other days, but again can work from home when school, church or other personal issues may create unneeded pressure on them to always work at the office.

    I also believe the video misses out on the amount of personal time really spent by employees when at the office. The personal boundary goes up when they go home, but it doesn’t go up when they go into the office. When working from home, the line is blurred, but most employees will work more than if they were only in the office because they want to be “fair” to their employer and show appreciation for allowing them the opportunity to work from home.

    Great topic and video – and an issue for every company in every industry today. Even in Columbus, Kansas, when competing to keep or find employees of any age!

    • Thanks, Dave.

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