The Top Habits of Successful Project Managers

Why is it that some project managers are more successful than others? What do they do differently from those who are merely average? Dennis’ short answer: it’s all about cultivating habits that make their jobs easier and more efficient.

Watch Digging Deeper this week as Dennis summarizes the top five habits of successful project managers. What other habits/behaviors would you add to Dennis’ list? We’d love to hear them. Please share your thoughts in the comments below.

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Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Dennis, you nailed it, great information

    • Ronny,
      Great to hear from you. You are certainly one of the great examples and represented all a construction professional should be. Hope you and your family are well and that pickleball hasn’t wholly overtaken your tennis game.


  2. Thanks for sharing Dennis. On point. The tendency to stay behind the computer has been accelerated with the pandemic. Not only for PMs, but for many other roles within construction (including Owners). Those who make it a point to stay personal, build relationships, and be personally available should have a “relational edge” over those who take impersonal approaches.

    • Mike,

      Thanks for the additional comments. Can e hammer this message through?


  3. Excellent video!!! Successful Project Managers are also good at seeing the big picture and staying five steps ahead of everyone else (schedule wise).

    • Jackie,
      Excellent additions.

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