The Three Common Elements to Successful Onboarding

According to blogger Jim Baker, for most companies “onboarding is either inconsistent or nonexistent.” I agree; my son went to work for a very highly regarded company where the hiring process was world class. What followed after the hire was, however, a very different experience.

That’s what onboarding is and why it’s important: onboarding is the very first extended experience for a new employee on how your company actually functions after the warm and fuzzy, everyone on best behavior hiring process. That’s why it is so important, and this week Wayne walks you through the three characteristics of successful onboarding.

The new Contractor Business Boot Camp class begins Nov 03, 2022 in Dallas, TX. Enroll your rising nextgen leaders for this one-of-a-kind leadership development course today. Please contact Charlotte at for more information.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. I am the Culture Coordinator for our company. Onboarding is one of my main duties. It starts during the interview process and keeps going through the employee’s first year. They know I am here for them through the entire process of getting integrated to our company. Their first day consists of meeting all of our departments at our corporate office. This has been a huge success since we rolled it out over a year ago.

    • Sweet, Brooks! Well done!

  2. I believe assigning a qualified / committed mentor in the onboarding process is very supportive of early learning, acclimation, acculturation, productivity and retention.

    • Good strategy!

  3. I am the general sup’t of the company, and while not in HR dept., am involved with all interviews and all hiring for the field workers. Once the HR dept. completes the very thorough consistent on-board process electronically, I make sure that I personally meet with the new hire their first day on the job first thing in the morning, introduce the person to the team, hand them my business card and let that person know, after some quick intro to safety and what to look out for the most, that they can call me any time any day with any questions.
    Thank you for bringing attention to what typically goes unnoticed behind the scenes.

    • Excellent, Peter. Thank you.

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