What Is “Mismatch Theory,” and What Has It Got To Do With Us?

Think about how the construction workplace has evolved! When many of you started out, people on the jobsite rarely noticed if you did anything right, but – boy, oh boy! If you did something wrong”¦ Construction leadership looks very different today than it did just a few short years ago!

Please tune in this week as Wayne defines “Mismatch Theory” and presents an author’s view of the modern definition of courageous leadership. And how the heck do Superman and Kryptonite enter into all this?

We’d like to know what the greatest workplace changes look like from your perspective. Please share your observations with us in the comments section.

Our final East Coast Contractor Business Boot Camp class for this year begins on March 24-25, 2022 at Raleigh, NC. Please enroll your future leaders now so they can learn the BUSINESS of construction. Contact Charlotte at ckopp@familybusinessinstitute.com for more information.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Great video that resonated with me! As a 3rd gen company, our delegated authority shift, allowing people to make mistakes that aren’t catastrophic, has helped our business thrive. The biggest doubters are the legacy employees who saw something completely different in the 2nd generation. The growth opportunities provided to rising stars and the positive impact on financial results far outweigh the old model and have somewhat silenced the doubters. You’re 100% correct, the leader can’t know everything.

    • Outstanding, Chris! Just as there are early adopters to change, there are also Doubting Thomas-types. Congratulations on building on the success of your G2 and reorienting your team to a style which resonates with today’s people.

  2. Wayne, we’ve changed from a heirarchal manner to delegated responsibility and decision making. If decisions need further discussion, our teams discuss to bring forward additional ideas and then we move forward. Not necessarily with consensus, but with input.

    • Excellent, Don. Congrats on your ESOP. Sounds like your management style has evolved to suit an employee ownership model nicely!

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