Is Being CEO Hazardous To Your Health?

The life of a construction leader – CEO, President, Sr. V.P., any leadership role – is a tough and demanding one. We accept that as the norm. As Bundy says, “Construction is a tough business for tough people who make tough decisions.” But can being the CEO of a business actually be a health hazard?

Please watch this week as Wayne relates some rather concerning news from Chief Executive’s e-newsletter and provides five tips for making sure you have the appropriate balance in your life.

While early-bird pricing lasts, enroll your high potential NextGen team members in FBI’s one-of-a-kind Contractor Business Boot Camp. The new class starts on Oct 21st in Raleigh. Please contact Charlotte at to learn more about the program.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Good stuff – timely in these crazy times, especially as the last 1.5 years has aged us all 5 years……

  2. great advice and reminders! thanks.

    • Thanks, Kent!

      • Spot On!! Thank you!

        • Glad you liked it, Mike! Hope you’re doing well!

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