Water and the Power of Positive Thinking

Dr. Masamu Emoto, a Japanese scientist, found that our “thoughts, feelings, ideas, and music can affect the molecular structure of water.” In a famous experiment, he placed distilled water into small jars and labeled them with positive and negative words and phrases. When flash frozen, the water that had been positively labeled (with words like beauty, passion, happiness) showed beautiful and symmetrical shapes like snowflakes. The negatively labeled water (words like evil, hatred, and disgust) showed up as discolored, fragmented, and chaotic. Dr. Emoto claimed that energies and vibrations can change the very physical structure of water.

Please tune in this week as Wayne relates this remarkable, possibly even factual, story. Whether authentic or not, there is a valuable lesson to be learned here about positive versus negative thoughts and feelings. What’s your opinion? Is this the craziest thing you’ve ever heard, or might there be some actual basis in Dr. Emoto’s work? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments.

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  1. Hello Wayne,
    Our company believes that maintaining a positive attitude is so important and transformative that we have made it part of our core values. Not sure about the experiment by the Japanese scientist. Sounds a bit far fetched and contrived. I looked up an article by the National Institute of Health and there appears to be a neural correlation between “up regulating” positive emotions and how we then experience life. Included is the link of the article. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7053268/

    I think it is also well to know that cognitive behavioral therapy can modify negative feelings and thoughts by modeling positive behavior.
    From an organizational perspective, it is clear to Waters Construction that positive behavior (speech and actions) by one team member has an overall positive effect on the entire team while the reverse is true for negative behavior.

    • Thank you, Mario. CBT is a great thing for sure. Congrats on your culture of positivity!

  2. Finally! This is powerful – there is a curriculum Achieving Balance Wellbeing that teaches research-based information on this exact topic – many companies use it to increase their productivity. I have believed it could help construction companies for a long time. Thank-you for sharing this important information. https://www.achievingwell-being.com/

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