The Good Life: Lessons from the World’s Longest Scientific Study of Happiness

Wayne Rivers
By Wayne Rivers
12 minutes

Remember the vlog we did (and repeated) a few Christmases ago about the TED Talk by Dr. Robert Waldinger? The one we tied into the story of George Bailey (Jimmy Stewart) in the holiday classic It’s a Wonderful Life? Waldinger’s TED presentation was based on the Harvard happiness research product he leads. Finally in 2023, he expanded his miraculous TED Talk into a full length book, a NY Times bestseller, co-written by Dr. Marc Schulz.

Please tune in this week as Wayne digs deeper into the research about money, aging, and intimate relationships. What would you predict as the greatest driver of meaning and fulfillment for people? Family? Career? Money? Self-actualization? Houses, cars, and material things? The answer is simpler than one might think and may surprise you a bit. What’s your reaction? Please share your comments with us via email at:

Merry Christmas, everyone, and have a safe and happy new year!

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