The Six Magic Questions

Our recent blog “Seven Tips for Asking Great Questions” ended, quite accidentally (I’m not that clever a marketer!), with a bit of a tease. The comments section filled up with “Wayne, what are the other six questions, and why are you keeping them a secret?” While that wasn’t my intention, it did tell me I needed to tighten up and deliver another blog about asking terrific questions.

These six questions can be used in personal situations, business development, and general work scenarios. Using them will give you about all you can know about a person or a company in just a few short minutes, and will lead to deep and meaningful conversations. Please let us know if you want to dig deeper; we’re happy to help if you wish to implement them.

Our next Contractor Business Boot Camp is already half full and is scheduled for Jan. 27, 2022. Sign up your NextGens and give them the opportunity to learn the business of construction. This is the best investment you will make towards their future. Please contact Charlotte today at to learn more about the program.

P.S. – Click here to download the six magic questions.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Can you send me the 6 magic questions, the link would not open?

    • Just sent, Terry.

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