The Importance of a Great Go-No Go Strategy

Most contractors think of their Go-No Go (GNG) process as a risk management tool to avoid that one bad job, and that is certainly part of its purpose. Buy what else does a robust GNG do for you? What three other advantages might your GNG offer?

Please join John Woodcock this week as he walks through the advantages you’ll enjoy with a healthy GNG process. He even explains why your GNG ought to create a bit of stress and pain in your organization so you avoid much higher levels of them later. Please share your thoughts on John’s observations with us in the comments section.

Holding on to your best people is a battle that all contractors are waging. Show your people you care and want the best for them by enrolling them in The Contractor Business Boot Camp. The dates are Nov. 3-4 in Dallas, TX. Please contact Charlotte at to learn more about the program.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Send me more info.

    • Daniel,
      We talk about some of this stuff with Ross and the other peer group members during our roundtables. We’ll be coming out your way this fall. Ross has my contact info – if you’d like to chat more about this topic feel free to reach out to me at or through Ross. Thanks.

  2. Thanks for the tips. We have developed a 20 question document relative to our business. For comparison purposes, do you have a sample Go/No-Go form you can share?

    • I believe these should be somewhat customized for the business based on their market and their strategy. But there ought to be several items that are standard on any go/no go: 1. Do we have the resources, experience and expertise to deliver; 2. Do we know the local market (trades, labor, building codes; 3. Is the project real – does it have real financing and is it required to go on schedule; 4. Is the contract acceptable based on our risk profile; 5. Do we know (and have confidence in) the key decision makers.

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