Might Mission Trips Be Good for Your Construction Company?

Wayne Rivers
By Wayne Rivers
7 minutes

We must acknowledge that overseas ventures to assist people and regions blighted by want and poverty may not be right for every contractor. But there is at least one PCA member company that has found plenty of unanticipated benefits spawned from a noble desire to help people and do good. Shook Construction’s mission trips started under former CEO Bill Whistler and continue under current CEO Chris Halapy. Why do Bill and Chris believe in these complicated and expensive commitments? Because, according to Bill, “The work we do matters.”

Please tune in this week as Wayne relays some of the high points of Shook’s remarkable mission trips and recounts Chris’s four “unanticipated benefits” that stem from Shook’s desire to make a difference. What’s your view? There is much press about “giving back” (a term Wayne roundly rejects!) these days. What’s your view? Please share with us in the comments.

Please visit MISSION TRIPS | Shook Construction to learn more about their mission trips and view inspiring videos about their trips. If you’d like to know anything else about Shook Construction and their mission trips, please write to Kayla Stucke at globalmission@shookconstruction.com.

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