It’s What You STAND FOR!

Roy Spence wrote It’s Not What You Sell, It’s What you Stand For, and it’s a great book (thanks, John Woodcock)! It sounds like a book about selling, doesn’t it? It isn’t, and I think Spence got his title wrong. He should have gone with the subtitle Why Every Extraordinary Business is Driven by Purpose. Let’s face it, most companies – and this applies to construction companies as much as we resist the concept – are commodities. “Getting out of beigeland,” as Spence refers to the commoditization of most businesses, can only be done by people and companies on a MISSION.

Please tune in this week as Wayne reviews this incredible business resource, walks through the four must-do steps for breaking free of the beigeland trap, and offers a truly surprising fun fact about how legendary entrepreneur Sam Walton was in a”¦ wait for it”¦ PEER GROUP! Who knew?

A terrific way to inspire loyalty in your people is to invest in their professional development. The Contractor Business Boot Camp is a one of a kind opportunity to do just that. Contact Charlotte at to learn more about future classes in Dallas, Denver, Toronto, and Raleigh.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Ours is “We Dig Safer & Better”

    • Excellent!

  2. Thanks Wayne, great reminder of the value of simplicity and clarity as well as the power of everyone being engaged and aligned in a clear purpose.

    • Thanks, Kent!

  3. Good stuff. FBI’s mission is “We build better contractors.” What is the vision then? From About Us page? MAKE MORE MONEY IN LESS TIME WITH FEWER HEADACHES AND A HIGHER QUALITY OF LIFE.

    It may be semantics, but how do you differentiate between the two, mission and vision?

    To me, vision answers why are we doing this whereas mission is how one intends to achieve the vision.

    I know, there are books written about this stuff. Ha! Thank you.

    • Our vision is: We are the company that contractors turn to for a better LIFE.

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