How Frequent Is CONFLICT In Family Businesses?

There isn’t anything unusual about conflict; it is a natural part of family business life. But it is not always simple to resolve when people bring in different values or points of view. Rather than denying and masking inevitable conflict, family business leaders should take appropriate steps to resolve it.
Listen to Wayne this week in our blog as he talks about ways family business leaders can learn to resolve conflict in their business families.
We look forward to your thoughts and comments.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. I appreciate your insights into conflict being the rule/norm in family businesses. And I’m in total support of your professionalizing the business strategy as a means to direct the conflict into positive outcomes; otherwise, the negative effects of conflict can be devastating to the growth and even survival of the business. Thanks Wayne.

  2. I’m 2nd Gen, and I am so happy to hear “top-down isnt as effective as it used to be.” Not sure I will be able to do much moe than brag I’m validated, but at least I have that. Thanks Wayne.

    • Hope it helps, Lisa

  3. Platinum rule, new concept to me.
    Thanks Wayne

    • Cool! Thanks, Don!

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