E+R=O (Event + Response = Outcome)

Even as much as we entrepreneurs want to control our lives and events around us, nature tends to throw curve balls our way with amazing regularity. If we cannot control events, what can we control?

Please watch our blog this week as Wayne challenges you with a way to lead through events beyond your control and a proven success formula. Pay special attention to the announcement of our upcoming webinar which will be quite different from other “what to do” advice about the present disruption.

We welcome your comments. Thank you.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Insightful, pertinent, and useful as ever. Somehow I didn’t get the last several blogs, but glad you are back!

    • Thank you, Jon.

  2. Wayne-

    No doubt that this is a disruption, but like every other bump in the road before it, we will persevere and come out the other side as better businesses. You are absolutely right in that we as leaders have to be strong in times of uncertainty like we are currently faced with. The challenges of keeping our great employees safe while also keeping them employed are competing interests in a situation like this. We as leaders have tough choices to make in how we balance all aspects of our businesses, even to the point of the “public relations” perspective when we have other industries inquiring why we are considered critical or essential and allowed to continue operations. I hope that we will never be faced with a situation like this in the future, but I can tell you we will all be much better prepared if/when it arises.

    Looking forward to what you have in store with the webinar!!

    I hope the FBI team stays healthy during this unprecedented disruption!!!


    • Thanks, Danny. Love your optimism! Stay healthy!

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