Doing Drawing Reviews the RIGHT Way

The consensus among commercial contractors is that drawings have continued to deteriorate in quality and detail which creates a host of challenges for the people who actually have to build out the project. Since it costs much, much more when problems are discovered late in the construction process, it is imperative for you to determine early on where your execution problems are going to be – and to determine exactly how you’re going to solve these issues before they become too costly.

Watch Digging Deeper this week as Dennis delves into the frustrating issue of incomplete drawings and their potential impacts on project timelines and costs while presenting you with a concrete example of how one innovative contractor deals with this challenge.

We look forward to hearing what steps you’re taking to avoid the pitfalls incomplete drawings present.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. All I can say is “And How” (meaning I totally agree). Also, consider this from the Air Barrier Association of America:

    “Manufacturer standard details can be used as shop drawings when they mimic 
    the jobsite conditions. However, when the manufacturer standard details 
    do not mimic the jobsite conditions, they are to be modified by the 
    contractor with input by the manufacturer, to replicate project”specific 

    The problem is I know of only one manufacturer that provides such support, and they do it free of charge.

    Paul Grahovac
    PROSOCO, Inc.

    • Thanks for weighing in and we appreciate the additional heads up!

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