Does Culture REALLY Eat Strategy for Breakfast?

This quote, whether correctly or not attributed to the great Peter Drucker, has been circulated, advocated, and debated for some time now. Does strategy, as many business folk say, come first which leads to success and then, ultimately, a unique culture? Or does culture trump all else as a prerequisite? It would be easy to argue either side, wouldn’t it?

Please tune in this week as Wayne facilitates this debate and shares what just might be the correct formulation.

We’d like to hear your thoughts! Please share in the comments below.

Two new cohorts of The Contractor Business Boot Camp start on March 24, 2022 (Raleigh, NC) and April 28, 2022 (Denver, CO). Please contact Charlotte today at to enroll your rising high-potential nextgen leaders.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. I appreciate the analogy of “culture is the landscape.” It’s what strategy is built on and needs to be mutually supportive.

    • Agree 100%, Eric. Thank you.

  2. Wayne:

    Great video – thanks for sharing.

    Culture & strategy are complimentary of each other, in my humble opinion (the handshake analogy). You must have both to be successful. The right leader of a bad plan will fail. The wrong leader of a great plan will fail as well. A leader that is laser focused on both culture and strategy can take a company into the stratosphere.

    Again, thanks for sharing. Keep ’em coming!

    • Well stated, David! Wish I could be so succinct!

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