7 Habits of UNSUCCESSFUL Leaders

As a bit of a follow up to last week’s Leadership Is an Art, watch this thought-provoking blog as Wayne discusses another book Why Smart Executives Fail and presents you with the top seven mistakes UNSUCCESSFUL leaders make. How do some of the very smartest leaders fall into common traps and make their businesses and families vulnerable? He concludes with a suggestion on how to avoid potentially damaging habits that could derail your plans for success in 2019 and beyond.
We look forward to hearing your thoughts and comments.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Great stuff, as usual, Wayne! Thanks for the book suggestion. Excellent reminders of the typical pitfalls we can all fall prey to. Your Gretzky analogy is helpful and this all makes me think of Covey’s 7th habit: sharpen the saw.

    • Thanks, Chris!

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