The Magic Bullet

Everyone has heard that an organization must set goals, but does it actually improve family business performance? And there are hosts of consulting firms that promote “Strategic Planning” as a cure all. Is Strategic Planning all it is cracked up to be? In this video, Wayne provides some evidence and hard data to support both goal setting and Strategic Planning – based on the successes of FBI’s own clients. Discover the key items for making goal setting and planning work for you.
We look forward to your comments and thoughts.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Wayne
    Some excellent thoughts on Goal setting and Strategic planning for all enterprises and the same also apply to Family businesses and offices.
    An important aspect would be how does one align all Family members to the Goal setting and Strategic planning – whereas in corporate world, this is understood, do you see a challenge in traditional family owned businesses?
    Again the goals should be specific and also time bound to adhere to deadlines.

  2. Wayne. Just wanted to let you know New Years Day I set some 2018 annual goals and cleaned my garage. It was so funny when I read your last blog. Thanks Doug Durdan

    • That’s funny, Doug! Happy new year!

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