The Psychology of Money

Wayne Rivers
By Wayne Rivers
8 minutes

The Psychology of Money is an excellent book! Wayne read it as he was travelling to this year’s AGC Convention in San Diego, and it struck him as being very insightful as well as commonsensical. Author Morgan Housel delivers insights about why U.S. consumers think as they do, the secret of Warren Buffett’s phenomenal wealth, a shocking fun fact about where mutual fund managers DON’T put their money, distinguishes what it takes to earn money from keeping it, and much, much more.

Please tune in his week as Wayne reviews this book, discusses the items above, and concludes with Housel’s excellent formula for keeping your hard earned money. Have you read this book? If not, what books about money have you read, and which would you recommend to Wayne and the PCA audience? Please share with us in the comments.

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