No Man's Land

Wayne Rivers
By Wayne Rivers
10 minutes

Like most of the wise, pithy comments you hear on our vlog, Wayne didn’t invent the phrase “Too big to be small, and too small to be big.” That perspicacious insight came from a 2007 book called No Man’s Land by Doug Tatum. Tatum says that nine out of ten startup companies fail within their first 10 years, and even the ones who meet the definition of “gazelles” find it difficult to maintain their rapid ascents. What does Tatum mean by “inflection point” and “too big to be small and too small to be big?”

Please tune in this week as Wayne provides a quick book review, talks about the challenges of growth, and reveals the single biggest transformation entrepreneurs must make if they want to sustain healthy growth and healthy companies. What is your opinion? Are Wayne and Tatum on the right track? Or are they missing the boat? What’s your experience? Please share with us in the comments.

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