14 Signs You May Become a Millionaire!

Wayne Rivers
By Wayne Rivers
1 minute

Entrepreneur magazine recently posted an article detailing characteristics of people who had achieved the status some of us dreamed of as young people – becoming a millionaire! DISCLAIMER: Life isn’t about money (did we need to say this at all?) It’s about the journey and fully experiencing life – with all its ups and downs – each day. But money has its uses, and having a little more of it sure beats having too little!

Please tune in this week as Wayne offers 14 indicators that, if you possess some or all of these traits, you might hit that rare financial height (Credit Suisse says that only about one half of one percent of the world’s population gets there!). Upon reflection, you may notice that most of these 14 traits are pretty common sensical and contribute to quality of life even if you discount the money factor 100%! What are your thoughts on this subject? Please share with us in the comments.

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