Why Am I So Busy?

Are you frazzled by non-stop activities and never-ending pressures? Most family business leaders today spend so much time working in their businesses that they get caught in the “busy-ness” trap. And it’s a trap, usually, of our own making.

Listen to our blog this week as Wayne explains what the busy-ness trap is and shares key tips to get past it so that you can structure your day and find that elusive work-life balance you desire.

We’d like to know what tips you have to share about effect time management. Please share your thoughts and comments.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Wayne, how true. All great points. Now in my 38th year in this industry, as you noted, it was looked upon as a badge of success….you’re busy, people want your time…bouncing from meeting to meeting. I became a victim of this mentality working for a large publicly held construction firm….until one day a consultant hired to do some coaching asked me….”When do you get time to think, plan, reflect”? I changed my habits and it helped tremendously.

    • Thanks, Al! Great perspective!

  2. Awesome message. Had never thought about busy-ness as a new status but you are right! Best tip on time effectiveness: email only at Max of 3 scheduled times throughout the day.

    • Thanks, Josh! Hope you are prospering!

  3. Wayne, great tips, thanks. I’m sharing with our leadership teams as they often struggle to have what we call “white space” in the calendar (no appointments, meetings, etc). The value of “˜white space’ is time to reflect, think and be accessible to others. We often confuse what we have termed “activity with accomplishment”. Thanks again!

    • Agree 100%, Kent! Thank you.

  4. Wayne , as usual you hit the nail right on the head ! Am sending this not only to customers but to my wife ( who works outside the home ) and my children ( all grown ) .
    Thanks , the 5 tips are excellent .

    • Cool! Thanks, Tom!

  5. Results
    Time & Effort
    Perfect and Succinct

    • Thank you, Jim

  6. as always, great message!

    • Thank you, Tim.

      • I truly look forward to the information/lessons you share with me!
        Thank you

        • What a nice thing to say, Jay. Thank you

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